Politeknik Negeri Semarang is proud to have successfully organized “The 4th International Conference on Innovation in Science and Technology (ICIST 2022)” on 14-16 December 2022, which was held both offline at the Grand Candi Hotel Semarang and online, https://icist.asia/2022/
The theme of the conference is ‘Innovation and Creativity within Sustainable and Smart Societies’. ICIST is the flagship technical conference organized by Politeknik Negeri Semarang. This year, ICIST is co-organized by the Research Center for Community-centric Systems in Tokyo Metropolitan University, National Defence University of Malaysia, and the Politeknik Energi dan Mineral Akamigas.
Past ICISTs have been published in the proceedings. This year is the first time that ICIST has worked with 14 journals. A unique feature of ICIST 2022 is the opportunity for authors to publish a paper in a peer-reviewed journal. ICIST 2022 offers a fast publication schedule while maintaining rigorous peer review. Papers submitted to ICIST 2022 undergo a regular ICIST 2022 and peer-reviewed journal review. ICIST 2022 received 217 submissions from 15 countries in response to our open call for papers for the conference. Out of these, the technical program committee, and the editors of the relevant journals, made the ultimate decision to select 101 articles for the technical program, which is organized into six parallel sessions.
At the opening ceremony of ICIST 2022, a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) and Letter of Intent (LoI) were signed between Politeknik Negeri Semarang as the organizer and the co-organizers, the Research Center for Community-centric Systems at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Malaysia National Defense University, and Politeknik Energi dan Mineral Akamigas.
Politeknik Negeri Semarang would like to thank the co-organizers, the organizing committee, the editors of the 14 journals that have collaborated with ICIST 2022, the reviewers for their professional and timely reviews of a number of papers, sponsors, participants, and all other parties who have actively supported the successful implementation of ICIST 2022.
Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Totok Prasetyo – Direktur, Politeknik Negeri Semarang
General Chairs of ICIST 2022:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kurnianingsih (Politeknik Negeri Semarang)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eri Sato-Shimokawara (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Dr. Nur Diyana Kamarudin (National Defence University of Malaysia)
Dr . Asepta Surya Wardhana (PEM Akamigas)